Weekly Wrap-up

๐ŸŽฌ  Wonder Woman

I saw Wonder Woman at the cinema last week, after my friend sent me a message saying 'it's got great reviews and it's annoying men on the internet, let's go see it'. Sold.
It's the best superhero effort I've seen for a while, and a million times better than DC's last attempt, the train-wreck Batman v Superman. Diana, played by the excellent Gal Gadot, is unapologetically awesome throughout the whole film. A must-see, especially if you've been waiting on a decent female-lead superhero film for an awfully long time.

๐Ÿ“บ The Handmaid's Tale

You may have heard about The Handmaid's Tale, shown on Channel 4 here in the UK on Sunday nights. The original book, by Margaret Atwood in 1985, is a dystopian novel set in the near future in the United States, where a Christian fundamentalist group overthrows the government and turns the US into a military dictatorship where woman have little to no rights. The key thing about the novel, and in turn the TV series, is the feeling that something like this could happen in the near future. It's not a far-fetched sci-fi, it's a very real feeling that feels just a bit too close to home. Atwood has claimed that everything that happens in the book has happened before, or is happening now. I read the novel earlier this year and it stuck with me - definitely one that should be read in schools. The TV series follows the same format as the book, with flashback within flashbacks, to let the back-story unfold gradually as you watch. The protagonist's narration provides further context, similar to the novel. Another must-see.

๐Ÿซ Frog Parade

Some exciting chocolates to end on - a bit lighter than feminist superheros and military dictatorships! Flavoured frogs from Danish brand Xocolatl, straight from Copenhagen ๐Ÿ˜


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