Sandy Seals & Great Gardens


From the moment September came crashing out of nowhere, it feels like summer is well and truly on its way out. The cooler mornings, lots of rain and a spectacular aurora display (which I missed, to my eternal disappointment 😢) means autumn is here to stay in Aberdeen.

Before it properly takes hold, I thought I'd share some photos from a more summery trip a few weeks ago to Newburgh beach and Pitmedden Gardens here in the North East of Scotland.

Newburgh - The Heather Process

Newburgh has become famous for its seal beach, at the mouth of the River Ythan. Easy to get to, you can walk along the beach and watch the seals at their haul-out site across the river.

Newburgh - The Heather Process

As you walk along, you realise there's something in the water...

Newburgh - The Heather Process

They really do look like sea-dogs, with their beady eyes watching your every move.

Newburgh - The Heather Process

The beach is popular with families and dog-walkers, well worth a visit. However, prepare for the inevitable coastal wind!

Newburgh - The Heather Process

Next stop Pitmedden Gardens, west of Ellon. In the 50s, the National Trust for Scotland re-created the great garden on the site of a garden dating back to 1675, using 17th century plans from Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. 

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process
The result is a meticulously cared-for sight to see, with plenty of clipped box hedges and laid-out patterns. It's a shame visitors can't get any higher up, to see the full effect from above. 

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process

In summer, the edges of the gardens are full to the brim with brightly coloured flowers.

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process

Which attract their own visitors...

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process

You can visit the surrounding buildings, including a cafe in the house and a Museum of Farming Life.

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process

Stunning in the summer when the flowers are in full bloom, Pitmedden Gardens is one to keep in mind for a sunny day out.

Pitmedden Gardens - The Heather Process

For more information on Newburgh, visit the Discover East Grampian website, and Forvie National Nature Reserve on TripAdvisor.
For Pitmedden Gardens, visit the National Trust for Scotland website.


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